Hedgehog Class
Welcome to Hedgehog Class!
We are the Year 3 and 4 class of Stadhampton Primary School.
Miss Church is the Hedgehog class teacher, Mrs Godall is the class TA.
On this page you will find pictures and documents that will help you see what we are learning.
Helpful Reminders
Monday | Violin and Cello Swimming |
Tuesday |
Wednesday | PE |
Thursday |
Friday | Spelling & times table test |
Please ensure children have wellies and trainers in school at all times to guarantee they have weather-appropriate footwear.
It is useful for children to have PE kits in school every day so they are ready for PE lessons. They can go home on a Friday for a wash!
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Miss Church
Spellings 24/25
There is a weekly spelling test that takes place on a Friday, spellings for year 3 and year 4 can be found below.
There is a weekly times table test that takes place on Fridays. Practise for this can be done via times table rockstars.
In Hedgehog class, children are expected to read at home with an adult at least 4 times a week. A comment must be added into their reading diary from the grown up that the child has read to.
Year 4 Multiplication Check
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. Below is further information on the MTC as well as a game designed to prepare children for the multiplication check.