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Otter Class

Welcome to Otter Class!


Otter Class is home to children in years 5 and 6. Miss Charnock is your teacher on  Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Ecclefield is your teacher on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Summer Term Learning

Summer Term Homework Grid

Please ensure children have wellies and trainers in school at all times to guarantee they have weather-appropriate footwear and that they have PE kits in school every day in case of impromptu PE lessons. 

Home Learning


Year 5 will be given a maths sheet to consolidate their in-school learning. Year 6 will be expected to complete a test in their maths, SPAG and reading SATs Buster books.


In Otter class, the expectation is that children read at home on a daily basis and at least four times a week with an adult. Books can be borrowed from the class/school library or they can be books from home. In order to foster a love of reading, children are regularly asked about what they are reading at home and we appreciate your support in enabling us to do this.


Times Table Rockstars


Children are encouraged to log onto Times Table Rockstars regularly to practise their rapid recall of times table facts. There are lots of games and even battles to participate in.


Children can log on here:


Supporting your child at home


You may like to use these additional resources to support learning at home. 



Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Charnock and Mrs Ecclefield
